Posts tagged ‘all about filters’

Memoir of a Journey

Photo by Mia Santos

Photo by Mia Santos

The memoir of a photograph indulges oneself to walk the extra mile. It gives a perfect look of contentment on someone’s face. One can find peace and self-contentment by capturing every moment of life.

Taking pictures fulfills one’s dream—a dream to share happiness with others—because some actions are better left undone and some words are better left unsaid by just simply looking at each picture that someone takes.

It All Started with Photography and Blogging

It was nearly summer when my workmates and I went to Sagada. We had spelunking, trekking, and other fun-filled stuff. And as part of this surprising adventure, we took pictures and blogged what we had done. It didn’t come across my mind that this adventure would be a never ending one. It came to my surprise I’m now be friends with some of my workmates before.

I never imagined that I would be friends with a person who likes photography as much as I don’t and blogging as much as I want. But life doesn’t always turn out the way you want, I’m now quite interested in photography as well. Mia’s enthusiasm in photography gave me an idea on how to capture people’s attention and inspire them through pictures. Her untiring devotion to her craft makes me wonder how she has changed her viewpoints in life. But there’s one thing I know about this kid, she captures everyone’s heart through her timeless shots. Way to go, kid!